Thursday, March 27, 2008

"We thank you all"

We one again welcome you to this week's activities of the college church. We are doing very well likewaise you too.

Brethren in College church are really doing very well both in spirit and physical. We thank you so much for your prayers. We really appreciate your care for the souls in College church.

This another wonderful and preciouse day of the Lord which had fallen on the brethren. Worship was so great and wonderful in the sight of the Lord and brethren since we follow the partern of the New Testament church. The is really improving gradually in both number and love for the Lord. Members are geting the understanding of the Loving God with all their hearts , with all their souls, and with all their minds. As part of the church, I can testify that the College church have a good future, in Christian maturity. The Leadership are try to build a strong relationship between the souls and the Lord.

Sunday 23rd March 2008 service to God was great as Evg. Ebenzer Korsah led the congreagtion into singing hymns and praise unto God. The opening prayer was led by Edward Darku, inter sectional prayer was also led by Ebenezer Asante. Evg. Lawrence Lamptey preached to encourage brethren to do more of the good things they are doing and even they can do better than that. The Lord's Table was led by Evg. Otis Nyemah assisted by Peter Obeng and Brother Fred. Closing prayer was given by Bro. Abraham Quao. Brother Bismark Otyere read the annoucement. Brother Bismark is being discipled by Lawrence on how to stand infront of people and talk, read and write annoucements, how to lead basic activities in the church. ( Therefore, we ask all our readers to remember Bismark in your prayers. he is a student in senior high)



Children: 48

New Convert: 3

Adult Class: 52

TOTAL : 103


Men: 25

Women: 27

Toddlers: 38

Intermediate: 10

TOTAL: 103

GIVING: GH¢40.85p = $43 USAD

Please, we are reminding all our readers that 18June College church will be 2 years old. kindly join us in spirit to celebrate this beautiful birthday.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Thanks Giving Service"

When we think of what the Lord has done in ourlives (College church) we think it is right to set day aside to show an appreciation to Him by giving out what He has blessed us with. Therefore, College church have it in our file to set aside the second week of every month to Tell God that we appreciate what He has done for us in the whole month.

Yesterday 9th March was one of the great sundays in the life of College church when brother and sisters (old and young) showing their love to God by donating money, food, etc to say that "WE THANK YOU GOD"

Service yesterday was beautiful when brother Lawrence Lamptey led the Bible class with an open topic to be discussed "Did God asked Abram to introduce his wife as her sister just because of fear of Death?" Gen 12:10-16. You can imagine how debatable the bible study as far as this topic is concern will be. In fact brethren who normally don't speak at bible study spoke on this topic. It was great.
The worship started at excatly 11:00am with brother Lawrence leading the congregation in songs, Bro. Peter Obeng (Opening Prayer), Ebenezer Asante (Inter section Prayer), and Emmanuel Asante Closing Prayer. Brother Thomas Mereku preached the sermon.

Attendance was encouraging:

TOTAL = 71

MEN = 19
WOMEN = 23
TOTAL = 83

GIVING : GH¢ 37.35 = $37

THANKS GIVING : GH¢ 24.35 = $24

Out of the 4 visitors we had two were youth brethren from Amasaman church of Christ. They were sent to come and meet the youth of College Church to discuss the unity of the youth. These brethren are sister Vera and Ebenezer. The youth of College Church to a photograph with these visiting brethren. The other vsiitors are brothers from the community where the church exist. attached are photos of the youth of College church and the two visiting brother and sister ( sisting right in the middle) Ebenzer(second from left), Vera (third from right).
We hope to hear from you ... Thank you.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"A visit to Amasaman Hospital"

It is said "True and undefiled religion acceptable onto the Lord and the Father is to visit the orphans and widows in their troubles and to keep one self unspotted to the World" James 1:27. Christ said to His disciples: "I was sick you did not visit me, I was naked you did not clothed me, I was hungry you did not give me food to eat... the Apostles in return asked Jesus, where did we see you being naked and did not clothed, sick and did not come to visit you...Since you did not do it for your brothers and sisters, you did not do it for me".
After carefully considering these two passages, college church realized that there is something we are forsaking to do. Twice in every year College Church of Christ visit the sick at the Amasaman Hospital to share the word of God with them, sing and praise God with them, and donate to them some basic Human needs. Thank God Sunday 2nd March was a beatiful day for both the church and the Hospital when the whole church visited the hospital.
The church met at the church auditorium and part take of the Lord's Supper and Giving at about 9:00AM after which we all left to the Hospital at about 9:30AM. the whole congregation was divided into two groups , each is to go into a ward to Pray, sing and share the word of God with the sick. The whole group then came together in the main ward which is mostly occupied by children axcept two adults,there are four wards in total.
The items donated are presents or gifts brought by the members of the church from their cheerful hearts the church baught few more to add. In addtion the the items donated, a cash money of GH¢35 equivalent to $35 USD was also donted, this was the total given collected on that sunday. The total attendance Adults 47 and the children were 36.
Attahed are few pitures we want to share with you readers. Please let us hear comments.